Tag: Nick Caine Adventures
Curse of the Druids
by Aiden James
Tagged: Nick Caine Adventures

Long ago, before the myth of Merlin the Magician took root in the annals of time, a sacred amulet named after King Aurelius Ambrosius was said to bridge the mystical chasm between mankind and a race of gods and goddesses residing in the very heart of Britain…. According to legend, the Ambrosius Amulet lays hidden…
Secret of the Loch
by Aiden James
Tagged: Nick Caine Adventures

After briefly eluding Yassir Ali’s ruthless assassins in England, Nick, Marie, and Ishi have fled north, where they hope to track down a forgotten cavern in the Highlands of Scotland. The cavern is linked to the Ambrosius Amulet, and is said to contain the greatest treasure of gold, jewels, and other artifacts ever amassed by…
River of the Damned
by Aiden James
Tagged: Nick Caine Adventures

Nick Caine and Ishi Cuyamel return to the United States with heavy hearts following a series of unexpected surprises in Scotland… surprises that have left them without Marie Da Vinci while placing the pair in the coerced employment of a secretive United States government agency. Rather than face the threat of extended jail time, for…