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Category: Books


by Aiden James

In the tradition of The Stand, The Man in the High Castle, and The Road, comes an epic story of struggle against tyranny in a future America…. The year is 2141. Islam controls most of the civilized world, including all that exists of the former United States. Climate change has made fresh drinking water a…

They Fought Like Men

by Aiden James

“…Even though she had already embraced the idea of no longer being viewed as a woman, it was a pretense she could still back away from. It wasn’t too late, yet, to call off the entire affair and creep away as a grieving daughter, left to wait on her husband’s safe return from a war…

The Vampires Last Lover

by Aiden James

Txema Ybarra is the most unenviable nineteen-year-old girl alive. Smart, pretty, and athletically gifted, this University of Tennessee freshman should be enjoying college life and her entrance into adulthood. And for a moment she does… until the vampires show up. Born with an unusual ‘twin teardrop’ birthmark on her neck, Txema (pronounced Chema) is one…

Aiden James Novelist