Category: Books
The Ungrateful Dead
by Aiden James
Tagged: NashVegas Paranormal

A potential reality TV show based on NashVegas Paranormal is in the offing. But when ghost tours of the most famous Civil War battlegrounds begins in late November, a new menace arises from the shadows surrounding these favorite haunts. Someone or something has taken great offense to these ghost tours, especially the TV crew following…
The Witches of Denmark
by Aiden James
Tagged: Clash of Covens

Sebastian Radu is an unusual kid… perhaps the most unusual kid presently living in America. That’s because he’s a one-hundred-thirty-year-old warlock who looks all of eighteen. Born to a Romanian family of witches, whose lifetimes often extend beyond six hundred years, the Radus have long been at war with another family of similar dark gifts,…
Witch out of Water
by Aiden James
Tagged: Clash of Covens

After being sentenced to a purgatorial world known as Bajenie in July 2019, for the crime of falling in love with a sworn enemy’s daughter, Sebastian Radu is finally allowed to return home to Twin Magnolias…. Filled with the hope of somehow reuniting with his beloved Daciana Matei, Sebastian soon discovers that what he assumed was merely…